Student Portal

To log into a class:
1. To use Google Classroom, you must have a Gmail account other than your MSMC email. If you don't already have one, create a free Gmail account (at Please use your first and last name to avoid confusion.
2. Click the following link: Classroom Portal
3. Click on the plus sign in the upper right.
4. Enter the code given to you by your teacher.

Turning in your work

All video assignments should be turned in the following way:
In Google Classroom, in the ***TRANSFER DRIVE*** section, upload your final video to ***ALL FINAL ASSIGNMENTS GO HERE***.

For scripts and other documents:
1. create the document on your Google Drive
2. click the blue button in the upper right that says "share"
3. scroll to the bottom where it says "General Access", and change to "Anyone with the link"
4. Copy the link and paste it in a private comment in Google Classroom